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Titre: LMI-based consensus of linear multi-agent systems by reduced-order dynamic output feedback
Auteur(s): Silva, Bruno M. C.
Ishihara, João Yoshiyuki
Tognetti, Eduardo Stockler
Assunto:: Sistemas Multiagentes (SMA)
Sistemas lineares
Desigualdades matriciais lineares
Date de publication: 2022
Editeur: Elsevier
Référence bibliographique: SILVA, Bruno M. C.; ISHIHARA, João Y.; TOGNETTI, Eduardo S. LMI-based consensus of linear multi-agent systems by reduced-order dynamic output feedback. ISA Transactions, 2022. No prelo. DOI: Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 jun. 2022.
Abstract: This work proposes new conditions for consensus of homogeneous multi-agent systems subjected to exogenous disturbances in directed communication graphs by dynamic output feedback protocols. The agents under investigation are described as linear dynamics, and the communication network is such that each agent receives as information only the output of neighbor agents. The synchronization problem is rewritten as an output feedback stabilization without requiring the Laplacian matrix to be diagonalizable. As the main appeal, we propose new necessary and sufficient conditions for the design of dynamic output feedback controllers of arbitrary order – including static output feedback as a particular case – and sufficient Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) for H∞ consensus. Numerical experiments illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
Licença:: © 2022 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Collection(s) :Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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