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Title: On a zero-mass (N, q)-Laplacian equation in RN with exponential critical growth
Authors: Carvalho, Jonison Lucas dos Santos
Figueiredo, Giovany de Jesus Malcher
Furtado, Marcelo Fernandes
Medeiros, Everaldo Souto de
Assunto:: Sobolev, Espaço de
Desigualdade de Trudinger-Moser
Equações quasilineares
Issue Date: Dec-2021
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: CARVALHO, J. L. et al. On a zero-mass (N, q)-Laplacian equation in RN with exponential critical growth. Nonlinear Analysis, v. 213, art. 112488, dez. 2021.DOI 10.1016/ Disponível em: Acesso em: 27 out. 2022.
Abstract: In this work, we investigate the existence of solution for the quasilinear elliptic equation −∆N u − ∆qu = f(u) in RN, where 1 < q < N and the nonlinearity f has exponential critical growth in the Trudinger–Moser sense. In order to obtain the solution, we use a variational approach based on a new Trudinger–Moser type inequality which is proved here.
Appears in Collections:Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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