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Título: Numerical modeling and experimental assessment of sustainable woody biomass torrefaction via coupled TG-FTIR
Autor(es): Silveira, Edgar Amaral
Luz, Sandra Maria da
Leão, Rosineide M.
Rousset, Patrick
Caldeira-Pires, Armando de Azevedo
Assunto: Modelagem numérica
Data de publicação: Mar-2021
Editora: Elsevier
Referência: SILVEIRA, Edgar A. et al. Numerical modeling and experimental assessment of sustainable woody biomass torrefaction via coupled TG-FTIR. Biomass and Bioenergy, v. 146, 105981, mar. 2021. DOI:
Abstract: Torrefaction is an inert thermal process (up to 300 ◦C) that promotes changes in the chemical and physical properties of biomass, decreasing the time and energy required for biomass conversion. In this work, an online method - TG coupled with FTIR - and elemental analysis were applied to acquire data in order to perform an experimental and numerical thermal upgrading assessment of Eucalyptus grandis, and in turn study the torrefaction mechanism. A thermal sensitivity numerical model was employed to obtain two-step reaction kinetic rates and solid and volatile compositions. The FTIR results added new perceptions that correlate and validate the solid and volatile pseudo-component distribution, the solid elemental composition prediction, devolatilization, and solid HHV estimation. As a result, the 2D property mapping allowed for a qualitative and quantitative assessment of all torrefaction severities. The obtained kinetics and the response diagrams from the numerical results can provide valuable references for practical operations and reactor design.
Unidade Acadêmica: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias em Engenharia (FCTE) – Campus UnB Gama
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