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Título : Current mapping strategy for improving two-terminal series-compensated line current differential protection
Autor : Bainy, Rômulo G.
Silva, Kleber Melo e
Johnson, Brian K.
Assunto:: Proteção diferencial
Plano Alfa
Linhas de transmissão
Fecha de publicación : 2021
Editorial : Elsevier
Citación : BAINY, Rômulo G.; SILVA, Kleber M.; JOHNSON, Brian K. Current mapping strategy for improving two-terminal series-compensated line current differential protection. Electric Power Systems Research, v. 196, 107243, 2021. DOI:
Abstract: This paper presents a particular case of the generalized alpha plane called current mapping strategy (CMS) formulation applied to differential protection of series-compensated transmission lines. The proposed formulation presents two unique features, control over the internal fault settlement region (FSR) and the use of an operation characteristic (OC). The FSR and the OC are two concentric circles defined on the alpha plane. Additionally, the proposed CMS allows the user to adjust the center and radius of the FSR and OC, according to the desired sensitivity and security of the protection. To validate and test the performance of the improved CMS, numerous computer simulations have been carried out using the Alternative Transients Program (ATP) on a 400 km long series-compensated, 500-kV transmission line. Furthermore, analysis of an extensive database of cases is conducted to highlight the CMS’s sensitivity. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of the settings of the CMS and a smooth trajectory to the FSR. The CMS also proved to be stable and reliable even under severe subsynchronous oscillations and outfeed conditions.
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