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Título: The preliminary study of severity level of structural discontinuities in paraffin grain of hybrid propellant rocket
Autor(es): Andrianov, Artem
Lee, Jungpyo
Assunto: Parafina
Motores de foguetes
Veículos espaciais - sistemas de propulsão
Data de publicação: 2018
Editora: The International Astronautical Federation
Referência: ANDRIANOV, Artem; LEE, Jungpyo. The preliminary study of severity level of structural discontinuities in paraffin grain of hybrid propellant rocket. In: INTERNATIONAL ASTRONAUTICAL CONGRESS, 69., 2018, Bremen, Alemanha. Anais... Bremen: The International Astronautical Federation, 2018.
Abstract: The paper addresses experimental characterization of instant shape of paraffin grain with predefined structural discontinuity in process of combustion and its possible influence on structural integrity of hybrid propellant motor. The one-port paraffin grains with and without artificial crack were subjected to combustion in a hybrid propellant test-motor and considerable discrepancies of temperature on external surface of the non-cracked and the cracked grains were detected. Elevated temperature on the external surface of cracked grain was caused by fast evolution of the crack in direction of motor’s casing during combustion process. Thus, it was shown that crack formation causes a local overheating of structural casing that may subsequently jeopardize structural integrity of the motor.
Unidade Acadêmica: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias em Engenharia (FCTE) – Campus UnB Gama
Licença: Autorização concedida ao Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Brasília (RIUnB) pelo Prof. Dr. Artem Andrianov, em 17 de outubro de 2018, para disponibilizar o trabalho, gratuitamente, para fins de leitura, impressão e/ou download, a título de divulgação da obra.
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