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Titre: Assessing a 3D digital prototype for teaching the Brazilian sign language alphabet : an alternative for non-programming designers
Auteur(s): Feitosa, Francisco Renato Fernandes
Fragelli, Ricardo Ramos
Souto, Virginia Tiradentes
metadata.dc.contributor.affiliation: University of Brasilia, Post Graduation Program of Design
University of Brasilia, Post Graduation Program of Design
University of Brasilia, Post Graduation Program of Design
Assunto:: Concepções pedagógicas
Multimídia educativa
intérprete animado 3D
Date de publication: 2023
Référence bibliographique: FEITOSA, Francisco Renato Fernandes; FRAGELLI, Ricardo Ramos; SOUTO, Virginia Tiradentes. Assessing a 3D digital prototype for teaching the Brazilian sign language alphabet: an alternative for non-programming designers. Journal of Digital Media & Interaction, [S. l. ], v. 6, n. 15, 2023. DOI: Disponível em: Acesso em: 19 mar. 2024.
Abstract: This study aims to analyse the users’ perceptions about a 3D digital artifacts prototype for teaching the fingerspelling alphabet of Brazilian Sign Language (LIBRAS). For this purpose, a high-fidelity prototype was developed with a non-programming method, and a usability test was conducted using a structured questionnaire with 31 participants, including Deaf and hearing people. Most users (96.7%) rated the learning experience with the tool as positive, with 67.7% rating the experience as "good", 12.9% as "very good", and 16.1% as "excellent". Comparing the evaluation between Deaf and hearing people showed that both target groups mostly rated it positively. However, most hearing people rated it "good," while the majority of the Deaf rated it as "excellent" (29%) or "outstanding" (14%) compared to 13% and 12%, respectively, among the hearing. In summary, considering the variables presented, the experience was well rated and did not encounter solid obstacles or resistance.
metadata.dc.description.ppg: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Design
Licença:: © 2023 Francisco Renato Fernandes Feitosa, Ricardo Ramos Fragelli, Virgínia Tiradentes Souto. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license.
Collection(s) :Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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