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Title: Affective-semiotic fields and the dialogical analysis of values and interpersonal relations in socio-educational contexts
Authors: Yokoy, Tatiana
Rengifo Herrera, Francisco José
Assunto:: Psicologia cultural
Desenvolvimento humano
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Springer
Citation: YOKOY, Tatiana; RENGIFO HERRERA, Francisco José. Affective-semiotic fields and the dialogical analysis of values and interpersonal relations in socio-educational contexts. In: OLIVEIRA, M. Lopes de; BRANCO, A.; FREIRE, S. (ed.). Psychology as a dialogical science. Cham: Springer, 2020. DOI:
Abstract: The chapter deals with the contributions of the dialogical perspective in psychology to the promotion of human development processes in socio-educational contexts, highlighting the axioms of Dialogical psychology, and the theories promoting the importance of the affective-semiotic fields in the actions of personal/professional development of social-educators who work in the Brazilian System of Socio-Educational Service. The first part of the chapter contextualizes the reader about the dialogical perspective in psychology, presenting its epistemological foundations, its history as a field of study and its future tendencies. The second part critically reflects upon the previously mentioned concepts, from investigations on the promotion of human development within the Brazilian System of Socio-Educational Service that works with adolescents who have been charged with infractions by the Juvenile Justice System. The analysis focuses on meanings/senses expressed by social-educators regarding the interpersonal relationships established with the adolescents. The values, subjective positionings, and meanings built in this professional relationship were used as empirical indicators for analyzing socio-educational interventions. The chapter closes with a synthesis of the main contributions of the dialogical approach to Developmental psychology, from a semiotic-cultural perspective. We highlight the relevance of affective-semiotic fields as an instrument for analyzing interventions in these specific contexts for proposing conceptual alternatives, which can be extended to other applicable areas in psychology and education.
metadata.dc.description.unidade: Faculdade de Educação (FE)
Appears in Collections:Livros e afins

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