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Title: Problemas de comportamento, nível mental e rendimento acadêmico entre crianças institucionalizadas e não institucionalizadas
Authors: Britto, Ilma Goulart de Souza Britto
Orientador(es):: Alencar, Eunice Maria Lima Soriano de
Assunto:: Comportamento - avaliação
Rendimento acadêmico - avaliação
Desenvolvimento da criança
Issue Date: 11-Jan-2023
Citation: BRITTO, Ilma A. Goulart de Souza Britto. Problemas de comportamento, nível mental e rendimento acadêmico entre crianças institucionalizadas e não institucionalizadas. 1984. viii, 94 f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Psicologia) - Instituto de Psicologia, Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 1984.
Abstract: Um dos temas mais pesquisados pela Psicologia do Desenvolvimento diz respeito à influência das experiências vividas, nos primeiros anos, no comportamento posterior do indivíduo. Analisando a literatura existente na área, podem-se notar três tradições teóricas bem distintas que, juntas, incluem a maior parte dos estudos sobre as primeiras experiências infantis: a teoria psicanalítica, o enfoque da psicologia fisiológica e a tradição etológica (Wachs e Gruen, 1982). No âmbito da psicanálise, destaca-se a contribuição de Freud ao sugerir que os padrões estabelecidos no início da infância tornar-se-iam o protótipo de todos os comportamentos e atitudes sociais posteriores. Segundo ele, especialmente os seis primeiros anos de vida seriam cruciais para o desenvolvimento da personalidade. A segunda grande influência deriva da psicologia fisiológica, a partir de pesquisas no campo da neuropsicologia, iniciados com os estudos de Hebb (1949). Em seu livro clássico, "The Organization of Behavior ", Hebb aponta a importância da aprendizagem perceptiva precoce para o desenvolvimento das relações entre as primeiras experiências do organismo e as mudanças morfológicas e bioquímicas no sistema nervoso central. Segundo Hebb , as primeiras experiências contribuem de forma significativa para a capacidade intelectual que o organismo manifestara mais tarde, dada a relevância da experiência para o desenvolvimento do sistema nervoso central.
Abstract: The main objective of this study was to investigate behavioural problems, mental levei and academic achievement arnong children who were kept in welfare institutions since they were one year old, the ones who were sent to them after being five years old, and thode who were not sent to them. The sample was constituted by 60 male children, with an age mean of 8.75, of dusky color, and low socio economic status. Forty children lived in a private institution (which had a covenant with the children Welfare Institution of the State of Goiás-FEBEM-G0) , located in the rural zone. Twenty children lived with their families close to the institution.An instrument developed by Alencar and Mendonça (1983) was used for obtaining data concerning behavioural problems and academic achievement. That instrument includes a description of 24 behavioural problems and a form to be completed by the teacher concerning the behavioural problems and academic yield of his students. A similar instrument was completed by the person in charge at the institution and at home. To evaluate the mental levei of the sample, Raven's test was utilized. For the statistical analysis, of resultsthe qui-square test, the binomial test and the ” t" test were employed. The results pointed out sound differences between institutionalized and non - institutionalized children in terms of behavioural problems,presenting the first ones a greater number of problems according to evaluation conducted both by teachers and persons in charge at the institution. No significant differences were found in this aspect between children who were institutionalized since they were one year old,and those institutionalized after they were years old. No significant differen.ces were either found among these three groups of children with respect to mental levei and academic achievement. It has been noted, however , that the average percentiles of the groups mentioned above were far below the percentile 50, which indicate an intelligence significantly below the average. Such results suggest the need to implement stimulation programs with a view to favour the cognitive development both of the institutionalized children as well as the ones who live in the rural areas. They also suggest that there is a need for the training of the institution’s employees, so as they will be able to better meet the affection needs of institutionalized children.
Description: Dissertação — Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia,1984.
Appears in Collections:Teses, dissertações e produtos pós-doutorado

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