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Titre: Orchestration in fog computing : a comprehensive survey
Auteur(s): Costa, Breno Gustavo Soares da
Bachiega Junior, João
Carvalho, Leonardo Rebouças de
Araújo, Aletéia Patrícia Favacho de
Assunto:: Computação em nuvem
Computação em névoa
Date de publication: 18-jan-2022
Editeur: Association for Computing Machinery
Référence bibliographique: COSTA, Breno et al. Orchestration in fog computing: a comprehensive survey. ACM Computing Surveys, v. 55, n. 2, art. 29, 2022. DOI:
Abstract: Fog computing is a paradigm that brings computational resources and services to the network edge in the vicinity of user devices, lowering latency and connecting with cloud computing resources. Unlike cloud com puting, fog resources are based on constrained and heterogeneous nodes whose connectivity can be unstable. In this complex scenario, there is a need to define and implement orchestration processes to ensure that appli cations and services can be provided, considering the settled agreements. Although some publications have dealt with orchestration in fog computing, there are still some diverse definitions and functional intersection with other areas, such as resource management and monitoring. This article presents a systematic review of the literature with focus on orchestration in fog computing. A generic architecture of fog orchestration is pre sented, created from the consolidation of the analyzed proposals, bringing to light the essential functionalities addressed in the literature. This work also highlights the main challenges and open research questions.
Collection(s) :Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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