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Title: Desired muslims : neoliberalism, halal food production and the assemblage of Muslim expertise, service providers and labour in New Zealand and Brazil
Authors: Araújo, Shadia Husseini de
Assunto:: Neoliberalismo
Mercado halal
Alimentos - comércio
Nova Zelândia
Issue Date: 24-Feb-2021
Publisher: Sage Publications
Citation: ARAÚJO, Shadia Husseini de. Desired muslims: neoliberalism, halal food production and the assemblage of Muslim expertise, service providers and labour in New Zealand and Brazil. Ethnicities, 2021. DOI:
Abstract: Critical scholarship has shown that neoliberalism has reinforced Islamophobia, anti-Muslim racism and projections of Muslims as undesirable in many contexts, particularly in ‘the West’. Little is said about other impacts neoliberal ideology has had on the ways Muslim (immigrant) communities are viewed and (dis)integrated into Muslim-minority contexts. Against this backdrop, this paper argues that Muslims can also be desired and systematically mobilized in predominantly non-Muslim countries where neoliberalized economies capitalize on their identities. The argument is illustrated through case studies in contexts of halal food production and trade in New Zealand and Brazil. Drawing on conceptualizations of neoliberal utility/necessity perspectives on immigrants as well as on assemblage thinking, this paper shows, first, that neoliberal restructuring has played a major role in the development of trade relations with the Islamic world and thus in the emergence of demands for Muslim expertise, service providers and workers in both countries. It demonstrates, second, how Muslim identities have been systematically assembled to meet these demands, and third, that the assemblages are at the same time limited by largely (though not exclusively) neoliberal logics. Finally, the paper shows that many of the assembling practices and logics are similar in both contexts and likely to be found elsewhere. Their effects, however, diverge due to different local conditions. The findings imply that relations between neoliberal ideology and the ways Muslims are viewed and (dis)integrated in Muslim-minority contexts are complex and unfold differently across space, and that this complexity deserves greater academic scrutiny.
Appears in Collections:Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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