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Title: The impact of adipose tissue–derived miRNAs in metabolic syndrome, obesity, and cancer
Authors: Heyn, Gabriella Simões
Corrêa, Luís Henrique
Magalhães, Kelly Grace
Assunto:: MicroRNA
Tecido adiposo
Síndrome metabólica
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Frontiers
Citation: HEYN, Gabriella Simões; CORRÊA, Luís Henrique; MAGALHÃES, Kelly Grace. The impact of adipose tissue–derived miRNAs in metabolic syndrome, obesity, and cancer. Frontier in Endocrinology, v. 11, 563816, 2020. DOI: 10.3389/fendo.2020.563816. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 maio 2021.
Abstract: Obesity is a multifactorial and complex condition that is characterized by abnormal and excessive white adipose tissue accumulation, which can lead to the development of metabolic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes mellitus, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, cardiovascular diseases, and several types of cancer. Obesity is characterized by excessive adipose tissue accumulation and associated with alterations in immunity, displaying a chronic low-grade inflammation profile. Adipose tissue is a dynamic and complex endocrine organ composed not only by adipocytes, but several immunological cells, which can secrete hormones, cytokines and many other factors capable of regulating metabolic homeostasis and several critical biological pathways. Remarkably, adipose tissue is a major source of circulating microRNAs (miRNAs), recently described as a novel form of adipokines. Several adipose tissue–derived miRNAs are deeply associated with adipocytes differentiation and have been identified with an essential role in obesity-associated inflammation, insulin resistance, and tumor microenvironment. During obesity, adipose tissue can completely change the profile of the secreted miRNAs, influencing circulating miRNAs and impacting the development of different pathological conditions, such as obesity, metabolic syndrome, and cancer. In this review, we discuss how miRNAs can act as epigenetic regulators affecting adipogenesis, adipocyte differentiation, lipid metabolism, browning of the white adipose tissue, glucose homeostasis, and insulin resistance, impacting deeply obesity and metabolic diseases. Moreover, we characterize how miRNAs can often act as oncogenic and tumor suppressor molecules, significantly modulating cancer establishment and progression. Furthermore, we highlight in this manuscript how adipose tissue–derived miRNAs can function as important new therapeutic targets.
Licença:: (CC BY) - Copyright © 2020 Heyn, Correa and Magalhães. This is an open-access article ̂ distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.
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