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Título : Evidence of association between the use of drugs and community-dwelling older people frailty : a cross-sectional study
Autor : Alves, Marcos Kaic Lopes
Oliveira, Nayara Gomes Nunes
Pegorari, Maycon Sousa
Tavares, Darlene Mara dos Santos
Rodrigues, Maria Cristina Soares
Bolina, Alisson Fernandes
Assunto:: Polifarmácia
Medicamentos - interações
Fecha de publicación : dic-2020
Editorial : Associação Paulista de Medicina - APM
Citación : ALVES, Marcos Kaic Lopes et al. Evidence of association between the use of drugs and community-dwelling older people frailty: a cross-sectional study. Sao Paulo Medical Journal, São Paulo, v. 138, n. 6, p. 465-474, nov./dez 2020. DOI: Disponível em: Acesso em: 16 abr. 2021.
Abstract: BACKGROUND: The scientific literature has shown that an association between polypharmacy and frailty exists. However, few studies have also considered drug interactions and the use of potentially inappropriate medications. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between the use of drugs and frailty among community-dwelling older people. DESIGN AND SETTING: Cross-sectional study carried out among 580 older people in Uberaba (MG). METHODS: Data were collected at these older people's homes using instruments validated in Brazil. Descriptive, bivariate and binary logistic regression analyses were performed (P < 0.05). RESULTS: Most of these individuals were classified as pre-frail (55.7%), while 13.1% were frail. It was found that 31.7% of them presented polypharmacy, 41.7% had drug interactions and 43.8% were using potentially inappropriate medications. In the initial model, polypharmacy (odds ratio, OR = 1.91; confidence interval, CI = 1.27-2.86) and use of potentially inappropriate medications (OR = 2.45; CI = 1.68-3.57) increased the chance that these older people would be pre-frail or frail. In the final adjusted model, use of potentially inappropriate drugs remained associated with the outcome (OR = 2.26; CI = 1.43-3.57). CONCLUSION: Use of potentially inappropriate medications was the independent variable that explained the occurrence of frailty in a representative sample of community-dwelling older adults.
Licença:: CC BY. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons license. © 2020 by Associação Paulista de Medicina.
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