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Título : Seasonal variations in soil microbiota profile of termite (Syntermes wheeleri) mounds in the Brazilian tropical savanna
Autor : Guimarães, Helena Ipe Pinheiro
Santana, Renata Henrique
Silveira, Rafaella
Pinto, Otávio Henrique Bezerra
Quirino, Betânia Ferraz
Barreto, Cristine Chaves
Bustamante, Mercedes Maria da Cunha
Krüger, Ricardo Henrique
Assunto:: Térmita
Solos - cerrados
Microorganismos do solo
Fecha de publicación : 27-sep-2020
Editorial : MDPI
Citación : GUIMARAES, Helena Ipe Pinheiro et al. Seasonal variations in soil microbiota profile of termite (Syntermes wheeleri) mounds in the Brazilian tropical savanna. Microorganisms, v. 8, n. 10, 1482. DOI: Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 dez. 2020.
Abstract: Eusocial animals, such as the termites, often build a nest-like structure called a mound that provides shelter with stable internal conditions and protection against predators. Termites are important components of the Brazilian Cerrado biota. This study aimed to investigate the bacterial community composition and diversity of the Syntermes wheeleri termite-mound soil using culture-independent approaches. We considered the vertical profile by comparing two different mound depths (mound surface and 60 cm) and seasonality with samplings during the rainy and dry seasons. We compared the mound soil microbiota to the adjacent soil without the influence of the mound to test the hypothesis that the Cerrado soil bacterial community was more diverse and more susceptible to seasonality than the mound soil microbiota. The results support the hypothesis that the Cerrado soil bacterial community is more diverse than the mound soil and also has a higher variability among seasons. The number of observed OTUs (Operational Taxonomic Units) was used to express bacterial richness, and it indicates that soil moisture has an effect on the community distribution and richness of the Cerrado samples in comparison to mound samples, which remain stable across seasons. This could be a consequence of the protective role of the mound for the termite colony. The overall community taxonomic profile was similar between soil samples, especially when compared to the taxonomic composition of the Syntermes wheeleri termite’s gut, which might be explained by the different characteristics and functionality between the soil and the gut microbial community.
Licença:: © 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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