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Titre: Graphs encoding the generating properties of a finite group
Auteur(s): Acciarri, Cristina
Lucchini, Andrea
Assunto:: Grupos finitos
Date de publication: 2020
Référence bibliographique: ACCIARRI, Cristina; LUCCHINI, Andrea. Graphs encoding the generating properties of a finite group. Mathematische Nachrichten, 2020.
Abstract: Assume that G is a finite group. For every a, b ∈ N, we define a graph Γa,b(G) whose vertices correspond to the elements of G a ∪ G b and in which two tuples (x1, . . . , xa) and (y1, . . . , yb) are adjacent if and only if hx1, . . . , xa, y1, . . . , ybi = G. We study several properties of these graphs (isolated vertices, loops, connectivity, diameter of the connected components) and we investigate the relations between their properties and the group structure, with the aim of understanding which information about G is encoded by these graphs.
Collection(s) :Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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