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Title: A characterization of permutation modules extending a theorem of Weiss
Authors: MacQuarrie, John W.
Zalesskii, Pavel
Assunto:: Módulos de permutação
Grupos-p finitos
Issue Date: 2020
Citation: MACQUARRIE, John W.; ZALESSKII, Pavel A. A characterization of permutation modules extending a theorem of Weiss. Documenta Mathematica, v. 25, 2020.
Abstract: Let G be a finite p-group with normal subgroup N. A celebrated theorem of A. Weiss gives a sufficient condition for a ZpGlattice to be a permutation module, looking only at its restriction to N and its N-fixed points. In case N has order p, we extend the condition of Weiss to a characterization.
Appears in Collections:Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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