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Titre: Factors related to medication errors in a Brazilian hospital
Auteur(s): Aguiar, Lucas Barbosa de
Lima, Marina Morato Stival
Rehem, Tânia Cristina Morais Santa Bárbara
Funghetto, Silvana Schwerz
Volpe, Cris Renata Grou
Assunto:: Erros de medicação
Segurança do paciente
Gerenciamento de riscos
Date de publication: jui-2018
Référence bibliographique: AGUIAR, Lucas Barbosa de et al. Factors related to medication errors in a Brazilian hospital. In: WORDL MULTI-CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMICS, CYBERNETICS AND INFORMATICS, 22., 2018, Orlando.
Abstract: The risk factors associated with medication errors in an internal medical unit of a Brazilian hospital were analyzed. A prospective, analytical, and exploratory quantitative study was carried out in a regional hospital, from March to May, 2014. One nursing assistant and 17 nursing technicians observed during the prescription, preparation, and administration of medications. The study observed 415 doses and 648 errors were found, organized into five main categories: preparation (29.47%), time (18.36%), and administration (42.12%), as well as 21 (3.24%) omissions and 44 (6.79%) dose errors. For every ten prescribed doses, eight resulted in errors, raising financial and personal costs. Quantitatively errors were related to risk factors of professional category, age, correct use of techniques, type of medication, and route of administration. The results helped identify the weaknesses in the medication system.
metadata.dc.description.unidade: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologias em Saúde (FCTS) – Campus UnB Ceilândia
Curso de Enfermagem (FCTS-ENF)
Collection(s) :Trabalhos apresentados em evento

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