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Titre: Seasonal and spatial distribution of caffeine, atrazine, atenolol and DEET in surface and drinking waters from the Brazilian Federal District
Auteur(s): Sodré, Fernando Fabriz
Santana, Joyce da Silva
Sampaio, Thiago Rosa
Brandão, Cristina Célia Silveira
Assunto:: Água - contaminação
Abastecimento de água
Água potável
Água - reutilização
Date de publication: 2018
Editeur: Sociedade Brasileira de Química
Référence bibliographique: SODRE, Fernando F. et al . Seasonal and spatial distribution of caffeine, atrazine, atenolol and DEET in surface and drinking waters from the Brazilian Federal District. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, São Paulo, v. 29, n. 9, p. 1854-1865, set.. 2018. DOI: Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 fev. 2019.
Abstract: Selected emerging contaminants in water samples from the Brazilian capital were investigated by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry after solid-phase extraction. In Paranoá Lake, an urban reservoir that will be used to produce drinking water, caffeine was the most abundant contaminant found (average of 53 ng L-1), followed by atenolol (34 ng L-1), N, N -diethyl-meta -toluamide (DEET, 12 ng L-1) and atrazine (3.8 ng L-1). The role of wastewaters discharges could not be evidenced probably due to the water flow and circulation in the lake. However, higher concentrations were detected during the dry season suggesting the presence of point sources, except for atrazine. In source waters, concentrations were lower in comparison with Paranoá Lake waters. Environmental risk assessment shows the need for further surveys for atrazine. For drinking waters, only caffeine and atrazine were detected at average concentrations of 8.6 and 3.2 ng L-1, respectively. No risk for human health was observed.
metadata.dc.description.unidade: Instituto de Química (IQ)
Licença:: (CC BY) - This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License
Collection(s) :Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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