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Titre: Teaching evolutionary biology
Auteur(s): Tidon, Rosana
Lewontin, Richard C.
Assunto:: Educação
Ensino de Biologia
Date de publication: 2004
Editeur: Sociedade Brasileira de Genética
Référence bibliographique: Genet. Mol. Biol.,v.27,n.1,p.124-131,2004
Résumé: Evolutionary Biology integrates several disciplines of Biology in a complex and interactive manner, where a deep understanding of the subject demands knowledge in diverse areas. Since this knowledge is often inaccessible to the majority of specialized professionals, including the teachers, we present some reflections in order to stimulate discussions aimed at the improvement of the conditions of education in this area. We examine the profile of evolutionary teaching in Brazil, based on questionnaires distributed to teachers in Secondary Education in the Federal District, on data provided by the "National Institute for Educational Studies and Research", and on information collected from teachers working in various regions of this country. Issues related to biological misconceptions, curriculum and didactic material are discussed, and some proposals are presented with the objective of aiding discussions aimed at the improvement of the teaching of evolutionary biology.
metadata.dc.description.unidade: Em processamento
Collection(s) :Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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