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Title: Production of xylan-degrading enzymes by a Trichoderma harzianum strain
Other Titles: Produção de enzimas xilanolíticas por uma cepa de Trichoderma harzianum
Authors: Cacais, André O. Guerreiro
Silveira, Fabiane Q. de Paula
Ferreira Filho, Edivaldo Ximenes
Assunto:: Trichoderma harzianum
Issue Date: 2001
Publisher: Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia
Citation: CACAIS, André O. Guerreiro et al. Production of xylan-degrading enzymes by a Trichoderma harzianum strain. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, v. 32, n. 2, p. 141-143, 2001. DOI: Disponível em: Acesso em: 10 set. 2021.
Abstract: Trichoderma harzianum strain 4 produced extracellular xylan-degrading enzymes, namely beta-xylanase, beta-xylosidase and alpha-arabinofuranosidase, when grown in liquid medium cultures containing oat spelt xylan as inducer. Cellulase activity was not detected. The pattern of xylan-degrading enzymes induction was influenced by the form of xylan present in the medium. They were detected in different incubation periods. Electrophoretic separation of the proteins from liquid culture filtrates by SDS-PAGE showed a variety of bands with high and low molecular weights.
Licença:: Brazilian Journal of Microbiology - This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY NC). Fonte: Acesso em: 10 set. 2021.
Appears in Collections:Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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