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Title: Síntese de análogo de brassinoesteróide a partir de vespertilina
Synthesis of a brassinosteroid analogue from vespertiline
Authors: Gárate, José L. M.
Magalhães, Gouvan C. de
Romeiro, Luiz Antonio Soares
Assunto:: Vespertilina
Esteróides promotores de crescimento de plantas
Issue Date: 1998
Publisher: Sociedade Brasileira de Química
Citation: Quím. Nova,v.21,n.6,p.726-730,1998
Abstract: In the last years, several research groups have been working on the synthesis of new steroidal plant hormones called brassinosteroids (BS), which promote plant growth and better crops. Many synthetic targets and applications of these compounds and their analogues have been described in the literature. From Solanum species of the Distrito Federal, we isolated the steroidal alkaloid solasodine, which was then converted into our starting material, vespertiline. By functionalization of rings A and B, we have synthesized a new analogue of BS, with a 2alpha,3alpha-dihydroxy-6-one structure, typical of the naturally occurring BS castasterone, the immediate biosynthetic precursor of brassinolide.
metadata.dc.description.unidade: Em processamento
Appears in Collections:Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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