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Título : Infection of Anopheles darlingi fed on patients infected with Plasmodium vivax before and during treatment with chloroquine plus primaquine in Costa Marques, Rondônia, Brazil
Autor : Klein, Terry A.
Tada, Mauro S.
Lima, Jose B. P.
Tang, Amazonia Toda
Assunto:: Anófeles querido
Fecha de publicación : 1992
Editorial : Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Ministério da Saúde
Citación : Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz,v.87,n.2,p.191-195,1992
Resumen : Five patients with asexual and sexual parasites of Plasmodium vivax were treated orally with 600 mg chloroquine diphosphate (hour 0) followed with 300 mg at 8, 24 and 48 h later. Primaquine phospate, 15 mg, was administered concurrently at h 0 and 24 h intervals for 14 days. Anopheles darlingi were fed before the first dose (h-0.5) and 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, 36, 48, 60 and 72 h later. Mosquitoes were examined for oocysts on day 8 and for sporozoites on day 15 after infection. Four of the five patients studied were still infective to mosquitoes from 1-5 h after the first dose of chloroquine plus primaquine. One of these and one other patient, who vomited 15 min after the first dose, became inffective again at hours 10 and 12, respectively. Once produced, oocysts in mosquitoes fed on patients before, during and after chloroquine plus primaquine treatment appeared normal and produced sporozoite infected salivary glands. In view of these data , it is concluded that primaquine demonstrated rapid gametocytocidal activity and should be administred concurrently with chloroquine to reduce vivax malaria transmission.
metadata.dc.description.unidade: Em processamento
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