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Title: A elite parlamentar brasileira : um recorte sociocultural
Other Titles: The Brazilian parliamentary elite : a sociocultural approach
L'élite parlementaire brésilienne : un découpage socioculturel
Authors: Messenberg, Débora
Assunto:: Cultura política
Elites (Ciências sociais)
Congresso Nacional
Parlamento - Brasil
Issue Date: Jun-2008
Publisher: Universidade Federal do Paraná
Citation: MESSENBERG, Débora. A elite parlamentar brasileira: um recorte sociocultural. Revista de Sociologia e Política, Curitiba, v. 16, n. 30, p. 17-28, jun. 2008. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 20 out. 2017. doi:
Abstract: O artigo discute alguns aspectos das abordagens culturalistas para o entendimento da política nas sociedades contemporâneas, além de apresentar os resultados de uma pesquisa que vem sendo desenvolvida sobre a interface entre cultura política e as práticas e representações da elite parlamentar brasileira entre 1989 e 2004. Insistindo na importância das abordagens culturalistas, a pesquisa revela que identidades regionais diferenciadas demarcam comportamentos e estilos diversos de fazer política, o que está enunciado em práticas e representações específicas de cada grupo no Congresso Nacional brasileiro.
Abstract: This article discusses some of the main aspects that distinguish different approaches in the debate on the importance of cultural orientations for understanding structures of and ways of doing and thinking politics in contemporary societies. Fundamentally, we attempt to reinforce the idea that an understanding of political phenomena requires strengthening the theoretical and methodological approaches that perceive them as cultural manifestations which, as such, involve a dynamic through which people guide and give meaning to their actions. Specifically, the article presents results of research that has been carried out over the last decade regarding the interface between political culture and the practices and representations of the Brazilian parliamentary elite following the 1987-88 Constituent Congress. It is a point in time in which it we see differentiated regional identities making their imprint on diverse political behaviors and styles. This becomes evident in the practices and representations of differentiated groups within the parliament.
Résumé: L'article discute de certains des principaux aspects qui identifient les approches traitant l'importance des orientations culturelles pour non seulement comprendre les structures et la pensée, mais aussi pour faire de la politique dans les sociétés contemporaines. D'une manière générale, on cherche à accentuer l'idée selon laquelle la compréhension des phénomènes politiques exige le renforcement des approches théorico-méthodologiques qui les aperçoivent comme des manifestations culturelles, qui, à leur tour, traduisent les processus sur lesquels les hommes orientent leurs actions et leur donnent du sens. Particulièrement, l'article présente les résultats de la recherche en cours depuis la dernière décennie à propos de l'interface entre culture politique et les pratiques et représentations de l'élite parlementaire brésilienne postérieure à la Constituante de 1987-1988, dans laquelle on peut observer nettement que les identités régionales indiquent des comportements et des styles différents de faire de la politique, ce qui est enoncé dans ses pratiques et représentations comme groupes distincts au parlement.
Licença:: Revista de Sociologia e Política - All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY NC). Fonte: Acesso em: 20 out. 2017.
Appears in Collections:Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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