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Titre: Immediate changes in electroencephalography activity in individuals with nonspecific chronic low back pain after cranial osteopathic manipulative treatment : study protocol of a randomized, controlled crossover trial
Auteur(s): Martins, Wagner Rodrigues
Diniz, Leonardo Rios
Blasczyk, Juscelino Castro
Lagoa, Karina Ferreira
Thomaz, Sérgio
Rodrigues, Marcia Elisabeth
Oliveira, Ricardo Jacó de
Rocha, Ana Clara Bonini
Assunto:: Eletroencefalografia
Dor lombar
Medicina osteopática
Date de publication: 13-jui-2015
Editeur: BioMed Central
Référence bibliographique: MARTINS, Wagner Rodrigues et al. Immediate changes in electroencephalography activity in individuals with nonspecific chronic low back pain after cranial osteopathic manipulative treatment: study protocol of a randomized, controlled crossover trial. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, v. 15, Article 223, p. 1-7, 13 jul. 2015. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 3 ago. 2017. doi:
Abstract: Background: Osteopathic medicine is based on a diagnostic and therapeutic system to treat tissue mobility/ motility dysfunctions in general, using different approaches (depending on the target tissue) known as osteopathic manipulative treatment. Among the available techniques those ones addressed to the cranial field are the most questioned because of the lack of scientific evidence; but the compression of the 4th ventricle technique has been largely studied in clinical trials. Studies have shown that the technique may affect both central and autonomous nervous system, modulating some reflexes (Traube-Hering baro signal), and modifying brain cortex electrical activity through central sensitization in subjects with chronic low back pain. Thus, investigators hypothesize that the compression of the 4th ventricle may modulate peak alpha frequency (eletroencephalographic assessment) and promote physical relaxation in subjects in vigil. Methods/Design: A randomized, controlled crossover trial with blinded assessor was designed to test the hypothesis. A total of 81 participants will be assigned to three treatment conditions, with seven days of washout: (I) compression of the 4th ventricle; (II) sham compression of the fourth ventricle; (III) control (no intervention). The (I) power amplitude and the (II) frequencies of the dominant peak in the alpha band will be the primary outcome measures of the study. All participants will be recruited at the Outpatient Rehabilitation Service of the University Hospital of Brasília – University of Brasília. All the electroencephalographic exams will be conducted by a blinded assessor. Discussion: The investigators hypothesize that patients with chronic low back pain submitted to the technique would have the peak alpha frequency modulated and, thus, would experience physical relaxation.
Licença:: © 2015 Martins et al. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http:// applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Fonte: Acesso em: 3 ago. 2017.
Collection(s) :Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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