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Titre: Influence of edaphic variables on the floristic composition and structure of the tree-shrub vegetation in typical and rocky outcrop cerrado areas in Serra Negra, Goiás State, Brazil
Auteur(s): Abreu, Mariângela Fernandes
Pinto, José Roberto Rodrigues
Maracahipes, Leandro
Gomes, Letícia
Oliveira, Edmar Almeida de
Marimon, Beatriz Schwantes
Marimon Júnior, Ben Hur
Farias, Josenilton de
Lenza, Eddie
Assunto:: Conservação
Afloramento (Geologia)
Date de publication: 2012
Editeur: Sociedade Botânica de São Paulo
Référence bibliographique: ABREU, Mariângela Fernandes et al. Influence of edaphic variables on the floristic composition and structure of the tree-shrub vegetation in typical and rocky outcrop cerrado areas in Serra Negra, Goiás State, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Botany, São Paulo, v. 35, n. 3, p. 259-272, 2012. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 31 jul. 2017.
Abstract: The present study analyzed the influence of edaphic variables on the floristic compositions and structures of the arboreal and shrub vegetation of typical cerrado (TC) and rocky outcrop cerrado (RC) communities in the Serra Negra mountain range in Piranhas Municipality, Goiás State, Brazil. Ten 20 × 50 m plots were established in each community, and all individuals with minimum diameters ≥ 5 cm measured at 30 cm above soil level were sampled. Composite soil samples were collected at 0-20 cm depths in each plot for physical and chemical analyses. The proportions of above-ground rock cover work also estimated in each RC plot. A total of 2,009 individuals (83 species, 69 genera, and 34 families) were recorded. Qualea parviflora was the only species consistently among the 10 most structurally important taxa in both communities, and was considered a generalist species. The observed and estimated species richnesses were greater in RC than in TC, although plant basal areas and heights did not differ between them. There were positive correlations between rock cover × plant density and rock cover × basal areas. TWINSPAN and PCA analysis separated the TC and RC plots, and three RC habitat specialist species (Wunderlichia mirabilis, Norantea guianensis, and Tibouchina papyrus) were identified. Soil variables were found to have greater effects on the species compositions of the TC and RC sites than the geographic distances between sampling plots. According to CCA analysis, the exclusive (or more abundant species) of each community were correlated with soil variables, and these variables therefore determined the selection of some species and influenced the differentiation of the vegetation structures of the communities studied.
Licença:: Brazilian Journal of Botany - All the contents of this journal, except where otherwise noted, is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0)). Fonte: Acesso em: 31 jul. 2017.
Collection(s) :Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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