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Titre: O Programa Universidade para Todos : uma análise da democratização do acesso numa IES Privada do Distrito Federal (2011 a 2015)
Auteur(s): Castro, Luciana da Silva
Orientador(es):: Sousa, José Vieira de
Assunto:: Democratização da educação
Educação superior - setor privado
Programa Universidade para Todos
Date de publication: 24-oct-2016
Référence bibliographique: CASTRO, Luciana da Silva. O Programa Universidade para Todos: uma análise da democratização do acesso numa IES Privada do Distrito Federal (2011 a 2015). 2016. 235 f., il. Dissertação (Mestrado Profissional em Educação)—Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2016.
Résumé: Esta dissertação trata do Programa Universidade para Todos (PROUNI) sob a perspectiva da democratização do acesso em uma instituição de educação superior (IES) privada do Distrito Federal (DF). A pesquisa teve como objetivo geral analisar como o ProUni, vem contribuindo para a democratização do acesso à educação superior brasileira no período de 2011 a 2015. Este trabalho se configurou como um estudo de caso de caráter exploratório em que foram utilizados, como instrumentos de coleta de dados, questionários e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Para subsidiar a análise empírica, por sua vez, analisaram-se diversos documentos, como legislações e estudos educacionais, censos e pesquisas demográficas, relatórios institucionais, atas e diferentes dados estatísticos. Para completar o arcabouço analítico do fenômeno estudado, construiu-se um referencial teórico que possibilitou ampliar o cenário em que a política pesquisada está inserida. Mediante uma abordagem qualitativa com a utilização de dados quantitativos, se identificou o perfil dos beneficiários do programa, assim como a percepção de diferentes sujeitos acerca dessa política. Além dos bolsistas, outros sujeitos compuseram o escopo da pesquisa. Foram entrevistados três gestores do Ministério da Educação (MEC) ligados à educação superior, cinco da IES pesquisada e um representante da Associação Nacional de Mantenedoras de Ensino Superior (ABMES). Para a análise dos dados, optou-se por realizar uma triangulação das fontes, de maneira que fosse abordado o fenômeno de forma mais fidedigna possível. Além disso, lançou-se um olhar dialético sob o objeto proposto a fim de melhor analisá-lo, considerando, para tanto, as categorias metodológicas da totalidade, mediação e contradição. Além dessas, as categorias de conteúdo selecionadas a priori: democratização, expansão e equidade deram o norte à pesquisa, ajudando na compreensão do fenômeno à luz desses conceitos. Qualidade da educação básica e cotas emergiram da fala dos sujeitos e se consolidaram como categorias surgidas a posteriori. Foram explicitadas contradições relacionadas à relação público-privada; e realizadas mediações capazes de relacionar os sujeitos ao objeto à luz da historicidade que dá suporte à realidade dos fatos. Os resultados obtidos com a pesquisa confirmam a tese de que o ProUni está promovendo a democratização do acesso à educação superior na instituição privada investigada, considerando a compreensão das categorias sugeridas. No entanto, apontam para a necessidade de que ajustes devem ser realizados no atendimento à política pesquisada. Por tratar-se de um Mestrado Profissional, dentre os objetivos específicos tem-se a proposta de uma Nota Técnica a ser apresentada ao Ministério da Educação que, dentre algumas recomendações, destaca a necessidade de se criar ferramentas que garantam a permanência do bolsista no curso, até sua conclusão, ponto que se mostrou pacífico entre os sujeitos da pesquisa. Além disso, ressaltou-se a necessidade de se buscar incessantemente a qualidade das IES e dos cursos nelas oferecidos. Para este trabalho, a compreensão que se faz é de que não há democratização sem qualidade. A busca pela ampliação dos direitos é entendida como fundamental para a redução das assimetrias sociais, entre as quais, o déficit educacional. Portanto, tratar os desiguais, de maneira igualmente desigual, deve ser a lógica de uma política pública que se diz democratizante. Ademais, a constituição de ações afirmativas é necessária e as cotas, que concretizam essas ações, transformam-se em um meio de garantia de direitos historicamente relegados. O ProUni promove a democratização do acesso à educação (como ampliação de direito) quando evidencia os mais carentes e os negros, além de reservar vagas àqueles com deficiência.
Abstract: This dissertation is about a government program called Programa Universidade para Todos (PROUNI - Program University for All), from the perspective of the democratization of access to a private higher education institution (IES) in the Federal District (DF). The research aimed to analyze how ProUnihas contributed to the democratization of the access to Brazilian higher education during the 2011-2015 period. This research was constructed as an exploratorycase study where surveys and semi-structured interviews were used as data collection tools. In order to support this empirical analysis, several documents, such as legislation and educational studies, census and demographic research, institutional reports, minutes and different statistical data were analyzed. To complete the analytical framework of the studied phenomenon, a theoretical outline was developed to enable the expansion of the scenario in which the studied policy operates. Through a qualitative approachusing quantitative data, the profile of the beneficiaries was identified as well as the perception for the different subjects concerning this policy. Additionally to the scholarship holders, other subjects became part of the research scope. These other subjects include three delegates from the Ministry of Education (MEC) who relate to higher education matters, five representatives from the institution in research, and one representative from the Brazilian Association of Maintainers of Higher Education (ABMES). For the data analysis, it was decided to perform a triangulation of sources, so that the phenomenon was addressed in the most reliable way possible. Moreover, a dialectical view was cast under the proposed object in order to better analyze it, therefore, taking in consideration, the methodological categories of totality, mediation and contradiction. Besides these, the content categories selected a priori: democratization, expansion and equity directed the research, helping to understand the phenomenon based on these concepts. The quality of basic education and quotas emerged from the subject’s interviews, therefore, these were consolidated as categories that emerged subsequently or a posteriori. The contradictions concerning to public-private relation were explained and mediations capable of relating the subjects to the object in the light of the historicity that supports the reality of the facts were performed. The results obtained from the research confirm the thesis that ProUni is promoting the democratization of the access to higher education in the private institution investigated, considering the comprehension of the suggested categories; however, these results point to the need to make adjustments in compliance with the researched policy. As this is a professional Master’s work, one of its specific objectives is the proposal of a Technical Paper to be submitted to the Ministry of Education.Among some recommendations, the said document highlights the need to create tools that ensure the continuity of the scholarship beneficiary enrolled in the career, until completion; a point that showed common ground between the subjects. In addition, the need to constantly seek for the quality of higher education institutions and its courses was also emphasized. For this research, the understanding that is being accomplished is that there is no democratization without quality. The search for the expansion of rights is seen as crucial for the reduction of social disparities, including the educational deficit. Therefore, to treat the unequal equally unevenly must be the logic of a public policy that promotes democracy. Furthermore, the establishment of affirmative actions is needed, as well as quotas, which embody these actions, to turn into a means to ensure rights historically relegated. ProUni promotes the democratization of access to education (as the expansion of rights) when it highlights the most needed and the black population, as well aThis dissertation is about a government program called Programa Universidade para Todos (PROUNI - Program University for All), from the perspective of the democratization of access to a private higher education institution (IES) in the Federal District (DF). The research aimed to analyze how ProUnihas contributed to the democratization of the access to Brazilian higher education during the 2011-2015 period. This research was constructed as an exploratorycase study where surveys and semi-structured interviews were used as data collection tools. In order to support this empirical analysis, several documents, such as legislation and educational studies, census and demographic research, institutional reports, minutes and different statistical data were analyzed. To complete the analytical framework of the studied phenomenon, a theoretical outline was developed to enable the expansion of the scenario in which the studied policy operates. Through a qualitative approachusing quantitative data, the profile of the beneficiaries was identified as well as the perception for the different subjects concerning this policy. Additionally to the scholarship holders, other subjects became part of the research scope. These other subjects include three delegates from the Ministry of Education (MEC) who relate to higher education matters, five representatives from the institution in research, and one representative from the Brazilian Association of Maintainers of Higher Education (ABMES). For the data analysis, it was decided to perform a triangulation of sources, so that the phenomenon was addressed in the most reliable way possible. Moreover, a dialectical view was cast under the proposed object in order to better analyze it, therefore, taking in consideration, the methodological categories of totality, mediation and contradiction. Besides these, the content categories selected a priori: democratization, expansion and equity directed the research, helping to understand the phenomenon based on these concepts. The quality of basic education and quotas emerged from the subject’s interviews, therefore, these were consolidated as categories that emerged subsequently or a posteriori. The contradictions concerning to public-private relation were explained and mediations capable of relating the subjects to the object in the light of the historicity that supports the reality of the facts were performed. The results obtained from the research confirm the thesis that ProUni is promoting the democratization of the access to higher education in the private institution investigated, considering the comprehension of the suggested categories; however, these results point to the need to make adjustments in compliance with the researched policy. As this is a professional Master’s work, one of its specific objectives is the proposal of a Technical Paper to be submitted to the Ministry of Education.Among some recommendations, the said document highlights the need to create tools that ensure the continuity of the scholarship beneficiary enrolled in the career, until completion; a point that showed common ground between the subjects. In addition, the need to constantly seek for the quality of higher education institutions and its courses was also emphasized. For this research, the understanding that is being accomplished is that there is no democratization without quality. The search for the expansion of rights is seen as crucial for the reduction of social disparities, including the educational deficit. Therefore, to treat the unequal equally unevenly must be the logic of a public policy that promotes democracy. Furthermore, the establishment of affirmative actions is needed, as well as quotas, which embody these actions, to turn into a means to ensure rights historically relegated. ProUni promotes the democratization of access to education (as the expansion of rights) when it highlights the most needed and the black population, as well as when it reserves opportunities for people with disabilities.s when it reserves opportunities for people with disabilities.
metadata.dc.description.unidade: Faculdade de Educação (FE)
Faculdade de Educação (FE)
Description: Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Mestrado Profissional em Educação, 2016.
metadata.dc.description.ppg: Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, Mestrado Profissional
Licença:: A concessão da licença deste item refere-se ao termo de autorização impresso assinado pelo autor com as seguintes condições: Na qualidade de titular dos direitos de autor da publicação, autorizo a Universidade de Brasília e o IBICT a disponibilizar por meio dos sites,, sem ressarcimento dos direitos autorais, de acordo com a Lei nº 9610/98, o texto integral da obra disponibilizada, conforme permissões assinaladas, para fins de leitura, impressão e/ou download, a título de divulgação da produção científica brasileira, a partir desta data.
Collection(s) :Teses, dissertações e produtos pós-doutorado

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