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Titre: Plants from Brazilian cerrado with potent tyrosinase inhibitory activity
Auteur(s): Souza, Paula Monteiro
Elias, Silvia Taveira
Simeoni, Luiz Alberto
Paula, José Elias de
Gomes, Sueli Maria
Guerra, Eliete Neves Silva
Fonseca, Yris Maria
Silva, Elton Clementino da
Silveira, Dâmaris
Batista, Pérola de Oliveira Magalhães Dias
Assunto:: Plantas - Cerrados
Cerrados - Brasil
Date de publication: nov-2012
Editeur: PLOS
Référence bibliographique: SOUZA, Paula Monteiro et al. Plants from Brazilian cerrado with potent tyrosinase inhibitory activity. Plos One, v. 7, nov. 2012. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 4 jun. 2013.
Résumé: The increased amount of melanin leads to skin disorders such as age spots, freckles, melasma and malignant melanoma. Tyrosinase is known to be the key enzyme in melanin production. Plants and their extracts are inexpensive and rich resources of active compounds that can be utilized to inhibit tyrosinase as well as can be used for the treatment of dermatological disorders associated with melanin hyperpigmentation. Using in vitro tyrosinase inhibitory activity assay, extracts from 13 plant species from Brazilian Cerrado were evaluated. The results showed that Pouteria torta and Eugenia dysenterica extracts presented potent in vitro tyrosinase inhibition compared to positive control kojic acid. Ethanol extract of Eugenia dysenterica leaves showed significant (p<0.05) tyrosinase inhibitory activity exhibiting the IC50 value of 11.88 µg/mL, compared to kojic acid (IC50 value of 13.14 µg/mL). Pouteria torta aqueous extract leaves also showed significant inhibitory activity with IC50 value of 30.01 µg/mL. These results indicate that Pouteria torta and Eugenia dysenterica extracts and their isolated constituents are promising agents for skin-whitening or antimelanogenesis formulations.
Licença:: Plos One - Copyright: 2012 Souza et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited. Fonte: Acesso em: 4 jun. 2013.
Collection(s) :Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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