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Title: Immunocytochemical localization of tubulins in spermatids and spermatozoa of Euptoieta hegesia (Lepidoptera : Nymphalidae)
Authors: Mancini, Karina
Báo, Sônia Nair
Fernandes, Adrienne Paiva
Dolder, Heidi
Assunto:: Espermatozóides
Issue Date: 2005
Publisher: Elsevier
Citation: MANCINI, Karina, et al. Karina. Immunocytochemical localization of tubulins in spermatids and spermatozoa of Euptoieta hegesia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Tissue & Cell, Estados Unidos, v. 37, p. 81-89, 2005.
Abstract: A comparative analysis of the distribution of tubulin types in apyrene and eupyrene sperm of Euptoieta hegesia butterflies was carried out, also verifying the presence of tubulin in lacinate appendages of the eupyrene sperm. Ultrathin sections of LR White embedded spermatids and spermatozoa were labeled for alpha, beta, gamma, alpha-acetylated and alpha-tyrosinated tubulins. Apyrene and eupyrene spermatids show the same antibody recognition pattern for tubulins. All tubulin types were detected in axonemal microtubules. Alpha and gamma tubulins were also detected on the cytoplasmic microtubules. However, for beta and tyrosinated tubulins only scattered labeling was detected on cytoplasmic microtubules and acetylated tubulin was not detected. In apyrene and eupyrene spermatozoa only the axoneme labeling was analyzed since cytoplasmic microtubules no longer exist in these cells. Alpha, beta and tyrosinated tubulins were easily detected on the apyrene and eupyrene axoneme; gamma tubulin was strongly marked on eupyrene axonemes but was scattered on the apyrene ones. Acetylated tubulin appeared with scattered labeling on the axoneme of both sperm types. Our results demonstrate significant differences in tubulin distribution in apyrene and eupyrene axonemal and cytoplasmic microtubules. Extracellular structures, especially the lacinate appendages, were not labeled by antibodies for any tubulin.
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