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dc.contributor.authorPaiva, Mateus Freitas-
dc.contributor.authorDiab, Gabriel Ali Atta-
dc.contributor.authorMendonça, Estelle Silva Diorato Teixeira de-
dc.contributor.authorDias, Sílvia Cláudia Loureiro-
dc.contributor.authorDias, José Alves-
dc.identifier.citationPAIVA, Mateus Freitas et al. Synthesis, characterization, and application of phosphotungstic acid supported on iron-based magnetic nanoparticles coated with silica. Catalysis Today, v. 394-396, p. 425-433, 1 jul. 2022. DOI:
dc.publisherElsevier B. V.pt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Restritopt_BR
dc.titleSynthesis, characterization, and application of phosphotungstic acid supported on iron-based magnetic nanoparticles coated with silicapt_BR
dc.subject.keywordNanopartículas magnéticaspt_BR
dc.subject.keywordÁcido fosfotungsticopt_BR
dc.subject.keywordÁcido oléicopt_BR
dc.description.abstract1Magnetic nanoparticles based on magnetite (MNP) are important materials for different research applications, particularly when they are coated with inert phases. For instance, coating them with silica forms MNP@SiO2, which has various uses, including as a support for catalysts because it has surface functional groups that form bonds to a coating layer; the material presents itself with high magnetic susceptibility, turning it easily separable from the reaction in a heterogeneous medium. Herein, magnetite was synthesized and coated with tetraethy lorthosilicate (TEOS) and then used to support phosphotungstic acid (H3PW12O40, HPW). The X%HPW/ MNP@SiO2 materials were characterized by several techniques, such as EDXRF, XRD, SEM, FT-IR, low tem perature N2 physisorption, and pyridine gas adsorption/desorption (Py-TPD) and then applied to the esterifi cation reaction of oleic acid with ethanol. The results successfully indicated the synthesis of the catalysts, keeping the structural and magnetic characteristics of the MNP@SiO2 and providing a good dispersion and integrity of HPW on its surface. In the model reaction, high activity, selectivity (100%), and stability were observed, with yields of 98%, 66% and 54% of ethyl oleate when using 30%, 20% and 10%HPW/MPN@SiO2, respectively, for a reaction time of one hour and an acid to ethanol molar ratio of 1:6. No leaching of the active phase was detected up to four recycles of the best catalyst (30%HPW/MPN@SiO2).pt_BR
dc.description.unidadeInstituto de Química (IQ)pt_BR
Collection(s) :Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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