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Título: An algorithm to mitigate the infeed effect on overreaching distance zones settings
Autor(es): Silva, Kleber Melo e
Pena, Jéssica S. G.
Braz, Helon D. M.
Kezunovic, Mladen
Assunto: Impedância
Falhas de circuito
Retransmissão de proteção
Sistemas de energia
Linhas de transmissão
Data de publicação: 15-Nov-2021
Editora: IEEE
Referência: SILVA, Kleber Melo e et al. An algorithm to mitigate the infeed effect on overreaching distance zones settings. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, v. 37, n. 4, 2022. DOI: 10.1109/TPWRD.2021.3128131.
Abstract: This paper revisits the analysis of the well-known infeed effect on transmission lines distance protection. A new adaptive algorithm to overcome this drawback is proposed, which requires solely impedance data and the operational status of power apparatus to perform overreaching distance zones settings. A comparison of the proposed strategy and the traditional one is performed. The obtained results demonstrate that the proposed settings ensure the correct operation of overreaching zones. Thereby, the backup coverage is improved significantly, besides avoiding distance zones overlapping between adjacent lines. It reveals the proposed strategy usefulness and value from the practical point of view, since it can be implemented with technology readily available on the market.
DOI: 10.1109/TPWRD.2021.3128131
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