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Issue DateData de defesaTitleAuthor(s)Orientador(es)Coorientador(es):
13-Jun-2022-Khan river and bear lake : two natural titanite reference materials for high-spatial resolution u-pb microanalysisMazoz, Ariela; Gonçalves, Guilherme O.; Lana, Cristiano; Buick, Ian S.; Corfu, Fernando; Kamo, Sandra L.; Wang, Hao; Yang, Yue-Heng; Scholz, Ricardo; Queiroga, Gláucia; Fu, Bin; Martins, Lorena; Schannor, Mathias; Abreu, Adriana Trópia de; Babinski, Marly; Peixoto, Eliza; Santos, Roberto Ventura--