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Data de publicaçãoData de defesaTítuloAutor(es)Orientador(es)Coorientador(es)
10-Jun-2024-Effect of muscle length on maximum evoked torque, discomfort, contraction fatigue, and strength adaptations during electrical stimulation in adult populations : a systematic reviewCavalcante, Jonathan Galvão Tenório; Ribeiro, Victor Hugo de Souza; Marqueti, Rita de Cássia; Paz, Isabel de Almeida; Bastos, Júlia Aguillar Ivo; Vaz, Marco Aurélio; Bault, Nicholas; Durigan, João Luiz Quagliotti--
2023-Effects of Kilohertz Effects of kilohertz frequency, burst duty cycle, and burst duration on evoked torque, perceived discomfort and muscle fatigue : a systematic reviewModesto, Karenina Arrais Guida; Bastos, Júlia Aguillar Ivo; Vaz, Marco Aurélio; Durigan, João Luiz Quagliotti--