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dc.contributor.authorGomes, André Luís-
dc.identifier.citationGOMES, André Luís. A linguagem teatral na obra clariceana. Cerrados (UnB), Brasília, v. 15, n. 22, p. 137-146, jul./dez. 2006.en
dc.description.abstractO artigo estabelece relações entre Clarice Lispector e o Teatro, destacando, com exemplos de textos que foram transpostos para o palco, incorporações de signos do teatro na obra clariceana. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTen
dc.description.abstractThis article aims at studying some texts of Clarice Lispector in order to highlight relations between the writer and the theater. These relations are emphasized in some theatral adaptations of her work.en
dc.rightsAcesso Abertoen
dc.titleA linguagem teatral na obra clariceanaen
dc.subject.keywordLiteratura brasileiraen
dc.subject.keywordLispector, Clarice, 1925-1977en
Appears in Collections:Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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