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dc.contributor.authorSouza, Maria Cláudia Candeia de-
dc.contributor.authorLima, Carlos Henrique Magalhães de-
dc.identifier.citationSOUZA, Maria Claudia Candeia de; LIMA, Carlos Henrique de. In pursuit of genius loci: developing urban awareness at the 1st Year Architecture Design Studio at the University of Brasilia. In: INITIATIONS: PRACTICES OF TEACHING 1ST YEAR DESIGN IN ARCHITECTURE, 2019, Nicosia. Proceedings [...]. Nicosia: Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus, mar. 2021. p. 289-298. Disponível em: Acesso em: 08 abril 2024.pt_BR
dc.publisherDepartment of Architecture, University of Cypruspt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.titleIn pursuit of genius loci : developing urban awareness at the 1st Year Architecture Design Studio at the University of Brasiliapt_BR
dc.typeTrabalho apresentado em eventopt_BR
dc.subject.keywordEnsino de projeto-
dc.description.abstract1This paper discusses a pedagogical experiment developed by professors of the first-year Architecture Design Studio Course at the University of Brasilia. The developed method aims to target recurring design problems, particularly the disconnection between the building and urban context and difficulties with ground design. Our goal was to increase urban awareness during design practice and instigate students to see beyond pre-existent scenarios. We designed our method based on the concept of genius loci presented by Norberg-Schulz to deepen our understanding of the relationship between the social and physical features of places. The concept helps to interpret architecture as a mean and not the end. We wanted first to improve students’ views on the city and ground before design practice. Thus, we divided the course into three parts: “experience”, “analysis”, and “imagination”. In the first part, we invite students to experience Brasilia’s urban fabric through site visits, urban sketches and topographic exercises. The second part of the course involved the analysis of contemporary buildings emphasizing relations with the environment. At the third moment students were challenged to design a shelter at a chosen site. As the course advanced, we increased complexity and developed a different representation skill. Brasilia is a symbol of modern architecture worldwide. Its construction marked an important period in Brazilian urban history. Unfortunately, after its construction, the city faced an uncontrolled urban sprawl and a decrease in public spaces and life quality. This paper describes some of our attempts to increase urban awareness and foment the social commitment of architects to build a better environment in the city.pt_BR
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversity of Brasilia, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanismpt_BR
dc.contributor.affiliationUniversity of Brasilia, Faculty of Architecture and Urbanismpt_BR
dc.description.unidadeFaculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo (FAU)pt_BR
dc.description.unidadeDepartamento de Teoria e História (FAU THA)pt_BR
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