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dc.contributor.authorCosta, M. Leinekerpt_BR
dc.contributor.authorGuimarães, M. E. X.pt_BR
dc.contributor.authorOliveira, A. L. Naves dept_BR
dc.identifier.citationBraz. J. Phys.,v.35,n.4b,p.1055-1056,2005pt_BR
dc.description.abstractWe obtain exact solutions for a static and charged cosmic string in a Einstein-Maxwell-Dilaton theory of a scalar-tensor type in (3+1)-Dimensions. This theory is specified by the dilaton field phi, the graviton field gµn and the electromagnetic field Fµn, and one post-Newtonian parameter alpha(phi). It contains three different cases, each of them corresponding to a particular solution of the Rainich algebra for the Ricci tensor.pt_BR
dc.publisherSociedade Brasileira de Físicapt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.titleOn current-carrying cosmic strings and the generalized rainich algebra in scalar-tensor gravitiespt_BR
dc.description.unidadeEm processamento-
Appears in Collections:Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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