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Browsing by Author Simón-Vázquez, Rosana

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Date de publicationData de defesaTitreAuteur(s)Orientador(es)Coorientador(es):
2014-PVM/MA-shelled selol nanocapsules promote cell cycle arrest in A549 lung adenocarcinoma cellsSouza, Ludmilla Regina de; Muehlmann, Luis Alexandre; Santos, Mayara Simonelly Costa dos; Ganassin, Rayane; Simón-Vázquez, Rosana; Joanitti, Graziella Anselmo; Mosiniewicz-Szablewska, Ewa; Suchocki, Piotr; Morais, Paulo César de; González-Fernández, África; Azevedo, Ricardo Bentes de; Báo, Sônia Nair--