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Browsing by Author Silva, Paulo Augusto Strobel Freitas e

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Showing results 1 to 2 of 2
Date de publicationData de defesaTitreAuteur(s)Orientador(es)Coorientador(es):
3-déc-20146-aoû-2014Estudo numérico de turbinas hidrocinéticas de eixo horizontalSilva, Paulo Augusto Strobel Freitas eOliveira, Taygoara Felamingo de-
oct-2016-Numerical study of wake characteristics in a horizontal-axis hydrokinetic turbineSilva, Paulo Augusto Strobel Freitas e; Oliveira, Taygoara Felamingo de; Brasil Júnior, Antônio César Pinho; Vaz, Jerson R. P.--