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Título : Development of microsatellite markers for the endangered Neotropical tree species Tibouchina papyrus (Melastomataceae)
Autor : Telles, Mariana Pires de Campos
Peixoto, Franciele Parreira
Lima, Jacqueline de Souza
Resende, Lucileide Vilela
Vianello, Rosana Pereira
Walter, Maria Emília Machado Telles
Collevatti, Rosane Garcia
Assunto:: Cerrados
Árvore do papel
Sequenciamento de nucleotídeo
Fecha de publicación : 2011
Editorial : FUNPEC-RP
Citación : Telles, M. P. C. et al. Development of microsatellite markers for the endangered Neotropical tree species Tibouchina papyrus (Melastomataceae). Genetics and Molecular Research, v. 10, n. 1, p. 321-325, 2011. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 15 jun. 2018.
Abstract: We isolated and characterized 12 microsatellite loci for Tibouchina papyrus (Melastomataceae), an endangered species with narrow and disjunct range, endemics to a few localities in “cerrado rupestre” from Central Brazil. These microsatellites were obtained by sequencing of a genomic shotgun library for primer design. Leaves from 96 individuals collected in the three known local populations were genotyped using the 12 primers designed to analyze the polymorphisms at each locus. The number of alleles per locus ranged from one to six; two loci were monomorphic. Among the polymorphic loci, expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.161 to 0.714. Combined paternity exclusion probability was 0.957 and combined genetic identity (0.051) was high for studies on parentage. Tibouchina papyrus is a rare and endemic tree species of outcrop quartzite and sandstone soils, with highly isolated populations, which may have lead to the low degree of polymorphism that we detected. Also, motifs of most loci are larger than dinucleotide, which typically display lower levels of polymorphism.
Licença:: Genetics and Molecular Research - Autorização concedida ao Repositório Institucional da Universidade de Brasília (RIUnB) pelo editor da revista, em 29 mar. 2016, com os seguintes termos: disponível sob Licença Creative Commons 4.0 International, que permite copiar, distribuir e transmitir o trabalho, desde que seja citado o autor e licenciante. Não permite o uso para fins comerciais nem a adaptação desta.
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