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Title: Towards establishing trust in manet:An integrated approach for auto-configuration,Authentication and certification
Authors: Sousa Júnior, Rafael Timóteo de
Albuquerque, Robson de Oliveira
Hanashiro, Maíra
Silva, Yamar Aires da
Gondim, Paulo Roberto de Lira
Assunto:: Redes de computação - protocolos
Automação industrial - protocolos
Redes de computadores
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: Brazilian Association Of High Technology Experts (ABEAT)
Citation: SAUSA JÚNIOR, Rafael Timóteo de et al. Towards establishing trust in manet:An integrated approach for auto-configuration,Authentication and certification. The International Journal of Forensic Computer Science, v. 1, n. 1, p. 33-40, 2006. Disponível em:<>. Acesso em: 21 jun. Doi: 2012.10.5769/J200601004
Abstract: In this paper, we discuss open issues regarding certification, auto-configuration and authentication of routing messages for mobile ad-hoc networks (MANET). We describe and discuss existing models for these operations and highlight their specific problems. Considering routing protocols usage, we propose new solutions based on protocol modifications and distributed certifications that can be integrated to establish trust relationships for MANET operation and utilization
Licença:: Disponível sob Licença Creative Commons 3.0, que permite copiar, distribuir e transmitir o trabalho, desde que seja citado o autor e licenciante. Não permite o uso para fins comerciais nem a adaptação desta.
Appears in Collections:Artigos publicados em periódicos e afins

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